Isn't it insulting and inaccurate to compare human beings with animals?

Human beings are animals. 98.6% of our genetic code is identical to that of a chimpanzee. Chimpanzees are genetically closer to human beings than they are to gorillas. In fact, chimpanzees are even genetically closer to humans than rats are to mice.


Follow up questions:

Don't only human beings have a soul?

Don't only humans have the ability to use language and understand abstract concepts?

How do you know that other animals can feel pain?

Aren't only humans self aware?

What evidence is there that other animals can make moral decisions?

Don't only humans have the ability to pass on cultural information from one generation to the next?

Don't only humans understand the concept of death?

Don't only humans have the ability to enter social contracts?

Don't only humans have the ability to use tools?

How can some animal rights activists believe that other animals are our equals?


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